• Fulfilled by Jesus Christ
Spring Feasts (Justification/Salvation): Passover – Holy Week – 1st Coming of Jesus Christ
• Fulfilled by the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1)
Summer ‘Middle’ Feast (Sanctification): Pentecost – Acts 2:1
• Fulfilled by God the Father (Matthew 24:36)
Fall Feasts (Final Redemption): Day of Atonement – 2nd Coming, Final Restoration
Note: The Fall Feasts Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) the Jewish Feast are observed every year by Judaism and remain primarily Judiasm as the Feasts have yet to be fulfilled by God for the Christian Church.
The Christian fulfillment of Rosh Hashanah the Feast of Trumpets happens only once [when God the Father calls the Bride of the Son of God the Christian Church into Heaven]. (Matthew 24:36).
Likewise there is only one Christian Holy Week (Passover) Feast fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
There is only one Christian Pentecost (Shavuot) fulfilled in the Holy Spirit.
Final Note: The Christian High Holy Day of Christmas and the Leviticus Chapter 23 High Feast Days should be occasions where the many church denominations each look to one of the Three Authoritative Parent authentic Leadership Churches.
New Testament Parent Authority Churches
1. Orthodox Greek/Russian/Armenian – Greek
2. Catholic – Rome – Latin
3. Anglican – Canterbury/York – English (AV-KJV)
Old Testament Jewish Authority
Jewish – Jerusalem – Hebrew
~ David Anson Brown